Pollution Assessment & Remediation
Jun 23, 2015
On June 16, 2015, The United States Environmental Protection Agency released the long awaited 2015 Multisector General Permit for industrial stormwater discharges. The 2015 MSGP replaces the 2008 MSGP, which expired on September 29, 2013. Significant new requirements to the 2015 permit include:
- Only electronic reporting will be accepted.
- Consolidation of Annual and Routine inspection procedures into a single protocol.
- Clarified corrective actions that more clearly define corrective action deadlines and which actions necessitate SWPPP review/modification.
- Increased public access to facility SWPPP by referencing its URL in the NOI or including a summary of the SWPPP in the NOI.
- Wash water from pavement or other surface cleaning are now non-allowable stormwater discharges and must be treated.
- Temporary repair or replacement to a storm water structure must occur “immediately” which is now defined as the same day the need is identified.
- Benchmark water quality monitoring is expanded to include 10 additional benchmark values (arsenic, cadmium, copper, cyanide, lead, mercury, nickel, selenium, silver, and zinc) for facilities that discharge into saline waters (saltwater)
For existing Discharges who operated under the 2008 MSGP, you must update your SWPPP and submit a 2015 Notice of Intent (NOI) to EPA or the delegated state agency by September 2, 2015 to continue authorization under the new Permit. New stormwater sources must prepare a SWPPP and submit a 2015 NOI at least 30 days prior to discharge.
SAK Environmental provides comprehensive stormwater program management services across New England. Contact Stephen Sakakeeny at ssakakeeny@sakenvironmental.com for assistance.