North Andover, Massachusetts 978-688-7804

Overwhelmed? SAK Environmental Provides EHS Services That Meet Your Needs

Pollution Assessment & Remediation

Feb 04, 2019

For over 15 years, SAK Environmental has been providing environmental health & safety (EHS) program services to large and small companies.  From startups to global corporations, they all rely on SAK for cost effective EHS support.  The benefits of partnering with SAK Environmental include:

  • Tailored services when you need them
  • One point of contact, backed by a wide range of expertise
  • Cost effective
  • Fixed fee
  • Allows you to more effectively fulfill your EHS responsibilities

We offer three types of service contracts: individual tasks, broad range program services, and on-site staffing. With each type, you will get a SAK Environmental EHS Manager as your main point of contact, with the backing and technical depth of SAK Environmental’ s full resources and expertise. Services include:

  • Part time or full time on-site EHS presence;
  • OSHA compliance;
  • Water, storm water (NPDES), wastewater(CWA), air (CAA), hazardous waste (RCRA), toxic use (EPCRA) program management and reporting;
  • Multimedia audits;
  • Inspections, record keeping, training;
  • Waste minimization/recycling

Contact SAK at 978-688-7804 to see how we can help.

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