Pollution Assessment & Remediation
Apr 30, 2014
In November 2013, the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MADEP) proposed changes to their air pollution control rules governing asbestos. Significant changes include the explicit requirement for building owners/operators to inspect for asbestos prior to demolition, renovation or other disturbance. An expanded definition of “friable” material incorporates material that is crumbled, shattered, pulverized or reduced to powder by hand pressure, machinery, and tools. Small abatement projects are exempt from MADEP notification and include abatement of 100 s.f. or less of asbestos containment floor tile or mastic and 32 s.f. or less of asbestos containing wall board or joint compound. Finally, detailed performance standards on how contractors must abate specific materials have been added. Go to MADEP’s web site to see all related documents.
SAK Environmental LLC has licensed asbestos inspectors, designers and project monitors to assist owners, architects and engineers efficiently prepare buildings for renovation or demolition. Click here to see how SAK Environmental can help or contact Stephen Dowaliby at sdowaliby@sakenvironmental.com or 978-688-7804 x119.