North Andover, Massachusetts 978-688-7804
  • Since 2003, SAK Environmental has been a leader in helping clients manage and solve today's environmental challenges by providing exceptional environmental services and advice for the life cycle of your operations.
  • SAK Environmental Helps Transform Communities

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  • SAK Environmental LLC turns 20-years

    ...and we're celebrating all year long!

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  • USEPA CERLCA (Superfund) Now Includes PFAS Substances
    How Does This Affect Your Environmental Due Diligence?

    Read this article

environmental consulting and engineering services

Building Services

Buildings are alive and complex. They consume resources, create waste, can be healthy or sick, and are the environment in which you live or work.

SAK Environmental has dedicated staff focused on building science that requires a combined knowledge of hazardous materials, building systems, toxicology, and air flow. The result is comprehensive and cost effective solutions that move your project forward.

We can help you with:

Learn More About Our Building Services

Environmental Brownfields

SAK Environmental has performed hundreds of due diligence, site assessment & remediation projects.

We use a risk-based approach that allows for creative solutions that are environmentally friendly and always comply with applicable local, state, and USEPA requirements. The result is reduced costs and accelerated project completion for our clients

We can help you with:

Learn More About Our Brownfields Services

Regulatory Compliance

Regulatory compliance, in essence, is your permit to operate. The cost of ignoring it will always disrupt and delay the project later. SAK Environmental has experts to meet a wide range of environmental compliance needs from complex petrochemical plants, to start-up manufacturing, to construction of buildings and infrastructure. Our approach is to be efficient and accurate, and apply new ideas where complexity demands it.

We can help you with:

Learn More About Our Regulatory Compliance Services

Minimizing Waste / Maximizing Resources

The idea of endless natural resources dried up long ago. The challenges now are how to reduce the cost of energy use and waste disposal – reducing your carbon footprint. These 21st Century problems demand the right expertise and SAK Environmental has established itself as a leader in ways to reduce your waste and maximize your resources.

We can help you with:

See How SAK Can Help

Featured Projects

recycling meets renewable energy credits
recycling meets renewable energy credits
Massachusetts is leading the country in inovative ways to earn renewable energy credits for qualifying energy producing facilities. ...

Sick Building?
Sick Building?
SAK completed an indoor air quality (IAQ) investigation, which included an 8-hour workday exposure monitoring and a microbial inspection of ...

power plant construction
power plant construction
SAK provided turnkey services that included waste transporation and disposal; fractank storage; contaminated soil disposal; and environmental engineering servic ...

Our Clients Speak

  • SAK Environmental's responsiveness in providing the required technical assessments and testing was instrumental in helping us complete the move to the new facility on schedule.

    ~ Stew Dobson—Vice President
    Steel Art Company

  • The City has worked with SAK Environmental on multiple projects spanning several years. In two instances, the construction sites were challenging and involved spirited neighborhood meetings. As the LSP, SAK presented at these meetings and handled the situation professionally. Their responsiveness was excellent in quickly reviewing results after a heavy rain event and providing advice to aid us in answering neighborhood concern; furthermore their consistent advice and recommendations were accurate, logical and insightful.

    ~ P. Ryder
    Conservation Officer
    City of Marlborough, MA

  • For nearly a decade, we have relied on SAK's environmental expertise to help us best serve our clients. They are honest, genuine, straightforward folks who consistently get the job done right.

    ~ Kevin W. Jansen
    V.P. Operations & Project Management Services
    PIDC Construction

  • Initially, we began working with SAK due to their close proximity to one of our facilities. Now we rely on SAK for a wide variety of environmental services as they are responsive, reliable and consistent. From scheduled inspections to emergency response, we can count on them to get the job done thoroughly and on-time.

    ~ M. Hughes
    Environmental Manager
    Wheelabrator Technologies

  • We could not ask for a better partner. From compliance to assessments and emergency response, Veolia relies on SAK for their expertise, responsiveness and calm demeanor.

    ~ Sean Caldwell
    Director, EH&S
    Municipal & Commercial Business
    Veolia North America

  • SAK was a great partner to our international company during this 3 year state-of the-art power plant construction project in Salem, MA. SAK team members served as the Environmental Manager and Permitting Manager, providing both the environmental expertise and local knowledge that proved invaluable to the project's success.

    ~ Roberto Garcia
    Site Manager
    Iberdrola Energy Projects

  • SAK Environmental has done a tremendous job for us in a variety of areas including asbestos abatement, site closures and assessments of potential sites. Specifically, SAK's expertise has been instrumental in effectively working with the DEP, state and towns. Consistently across all projects, we have been very pleased with SAK and their team's advice and professional assistance.

    ~ D. Goodwin—Manager
    Life Technologies Corp.

  • SAK Environmental quickly demonstrated their expertise and professionalism and, as a result, became a trusted party within our project. I came to rely on SAK for their insight and advice for not only their scope of work, but for that of others on the project.

    ~ J. Maass—Project Manager
    Paratus Group (ISGM project)

  • SAK Environmental is our environmental engineering partner when it comes to managing our facilities. Their team has proven time and again they have the experience and expertise to get the job done correctly, thoroughly and on time. Since 2003, SAK Environmental has helped me meet my real estate responsibilities. They are easy to work with, dependable and trustworthy.

    ~ Stephen Emery—Facilities Manager
    Life Technologies

  • For over four years, I have depended on SAK Environmental for commercial site screenings, subsurface evaluations, and site cleanups. I recommend SAK as they consistently deliver thorough work including clear, concise and conclusive reports. They are a quality environmental engineering firm that I can count on.

    ~ G. Massey
    Vice President, Salem Five Cents Savings Bank

  • Amesbury Public Works has relied on SAK as our on-call LSP for several years. They are responsive, good communicators and keep on us to ensure everything is handled completely.

    ~ Rob Desmarais
    Director of Public Works
    City of Amesbury

Latest News and Insights

SAK Environmental and Lawrence Community Works Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
SAK Environmental and Lawrence Community Works Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
SAK Environmental is proud to be part of the Team that led to this ribbon cutting in Lawrence, MA. This ...

SAK Helps Drive Island Parkside Phase II to Completion
SAK Helps Drive Island Parkside Phase II to Completion
  SAK Environmental is working with Lawrence CommunityWorksand Delphi Construction Inc. in the final stages of Phase II of ...

USEPA CERLCA (Superfund) Now Includes PFAS Substances - How Does This Affect Your Environmental Due Diligence?
USEPA CERLCA (Superfund) Now Includes PFAS Substances - How Does This Affect Your Environmental Due Diligence?
On April 19, 2024, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) designated two widely used PFAS chemicals (a.k.a ...


Logo of Environmental Business Council of New England Logo of Alliance of Hazardous Materials Professionals Logo of American Institute of Professional Geologists Logo of Construction Industries of Massachusetts Logo of Institute of Hazardous Materials Management Logo of SOCIETY OF WOMEN ENVIRONMENTAL PROFESSIONALS Logo of Licensed Site Professionals Association Logo of Massachusetts Aggregate and Asphalt Pavement AssociationGreater Lowell Chanmber of Commerce logoMerrimack Valley Chamber Of Commerce logoMerrimack River Watershed Council logo

Need a mission focused team for your next project?

Get in touch with SAK Environmental today

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